The Legend Of Zelda is my favourite video game series, the first Zelda game I played was Link To The Past and OoT is my favourite in the series.

I own physical copies of Ocarina Of Time (3DS), Link Between Worlds and Tri Force Heroes. I play Link To The Past using the mini SNES. To play Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks I use a DS game called NDS Multi Game 208 In 1, which is one of the only DS games I've found without the Nintendo seal of quality. I've had to use emulators for the rest, though I haven't played BOTW or TOTK yet.

Almost nobody mentions the Philips CDI Zelda games. They're technically official and shouldn't just be ignored, even if they're bad games. They're that bad it's funny, and these games are the only official TLOZ where you play as Zelda. I don't think they should be wiped from Nintendo history.

I own all the legendary editions of the Zelda manga, the first two volumes of Twilight Princess and Shotaro Ishinomori's Link To The Past.